Session: S-183
Simple solutions to complex fisheries impacts on ecosystems
Recoveries of historically-depleted marine mammals and other protected species are increasingly common. Yet threats abound to these and other populations still in jeopardy from a variety of human activities. Well-known examples involve impacts of fisheries on seabirds, entanglement of whales in derelict gear that is left at sea to ghost-fish, and unintended consequences of hatchery supplementation programs on anadromous species and dependent... [ view more ]
Recoveries of historically-depleted marine mammals and other protected species are increasingly common. Yet threats abound to these and other populations still in jeopardy from a variety of human activities. Well-known examples involve impacts of fisheries on seabirds, entanglement of whales in derelict gear that is left at sea to ghost-fish, and unintended consequences of hatchery supplementation programs on anadromous species and dependent predators. Still, there are several instances in which workable solutions have allowed for conservation wins without the sacrificing of marine livelihoods, cultural values, or economic gain. Three include fishing gear modifications like turtle excluder devices, marine protected areas used in lieu of weak stock fisheries management, and dynamic ocean management approaches that use real-time remotely sensed data to avoid marine uses in hot spots of protected species abundance. In this symposium we invite presentations that review case studies, theoretical developments, and analytical tools focused on the vexing problem of reducing interactions between protected species with fisheries or other human activities. Promising approaches for data-poor contexts are especially welcome. The goal is to generate a synthetic understanding of what is working and what is not with an eye toward scaling and replicating marine conservation solutions.
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Dr. Jameal Samhouri
16:00 - 18:00 on
Tuesday, 26th of June 2018
Jameal Samhouri (NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center), Adrian Stier (UCSB), Shannon Hennessey (Oregon State University), Mark Novak (Oregon State University), Ben Halpern (UCSB), Phil Levin (The Nature Conservancy)
Margaret Siple (University of Washington), André Punt (University of Washington), Tessa Francis (UW), Rob Williams (University of St Andrews), Philip Hammond (University of St Andrews), Jeffrey Moore (NOAA), Andrew Read (Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University), Randall Reeves (Okapi Wildlife Associates), Maritza Sepulveda (Universidad de Valparaíso), Guðjón Már Sigurðsson (Marine Research Institute), Gísli Víkingsson (Marine Research Institute), Paul Wade (NOAA), Alexandre Zerbini (NOAA)
Emily Markowitz (NOAA), Skyler Sagarese (NOAA), Michael Frisk (Stony Brook University), Janet Nye (Stony Brook University)
Elliott Hazen (NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center), Kylie Scales (University of the Sunshine Coast), Heather Welch (University of California Santa Cruz), Matt Oliver (University of Delaware), Alistair Hobday (CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere), Sara Maxwell (Old Dominion University), Larry Crowder (Stanford), Steven Bograd (NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center), Rebecca Lewison (San Diego State University)
Heather Welch (University of California Santa Cruz), Stephanie Brodie (University of California Santa Cruz), Elliott Hazen (NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center), Michael Jacox (NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center), Steven Bograd (NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center), Sara Maxwell (Old Dominion University), Kylie Scales (University of the Sunshine Coast), Rebecca Lewison (San Diego State University)
Simple solutions to complex fisheries impacts on ecosystems (Tubau 1 & 2)