The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) defines burnout as the answer to chronical job stress conditioned by a permanent emotional exhaustion, depersonalization/cynicism and diminished personal accomplishment (Maslach and Jackson, 1981). Some authors have aimed to understand burnout in public organizations (Kim and Wright, 2007), emphasizing in the costs and negative impacts on job satisfaction, productivity and physical health for both organizations and individuals (Golembiewski et al., 1998).
According to some recent studies in Latin America (Mallmann et al., 2009, Olivares, 2013) burnout, as an answer to chronic job stress conditions, is affecting motivation and leadership of national and local public servants. However, there are few studies that focus on a theoretical and practical understanding of the factors that lead to exhaustion of public workers in this region. We aim to close that gap by exploring the existence of burnout among Colombian public servants and the factors that trigger it.
To answer our research question we develop a quantitative approach. Our unit of analysis is the public official at the national/regional level. Through structural equation models we explore the relationship among previously identified factors of burnout, including job stress, workload, role conflict, resources, working conditions and control. To do so, we use the two surveys covering more than 90,000 public officials and 66 public agencies in the country at the national and regional levels.
This article aims to inform practice since it provides empirical evidence to the government about the phenomenon of burnout in the Colombian public sector, both at the national and local levels. Furthermore, by identifying associated factors, it informs an issue that has been poorly studied in the context of the Latin American public sector, and thus, could allow comparison with previous research in other continents and countries.
Cordes, C.& Dougherty, T. (1993). A Review and an Integration of Research on Job Burnout. Academy of Management Review. 18:4. 621-656.
Golembiewski, R., R. Boudreau, B. Sun and H. Luo (1998). Estimates of Burnout in Public Agencies: Worldwide, How Many Employees Have Which Degrees of Burnout, and With What Consequences? Public Administration Review. January/February, 58:1. 59-65.
Kim, S. & B. Wright, (2007). IT employee Work Exhaustion: Toward an Integrated Model of Antecedents and Consequences. Review of Personnel Administration. 27:147. 147-170
Mallmann, C et al., (2009). Fatores Associados a Síndrome de Burnout em Funcionarios Públicos Municipais. Psicología: Teoria e Prática. 11:2. 69-82.
Maslach, C &S. Jackson (1981). MBI: Maslach Burnout Inventory. Manual. Palo Alto. University of California, Consulting Psychologists Press.
Olivares, V, Pedro, G, (2009). Analysis of the Main Strengths and Weakness of the "Maslach Burnout Inventory" (MBI). Ciencia & Trabajo. 33:3. 160-167
Schaufeli, W, Arnold, B, (2009). How Changes in Job Demands and Resources Predict Burnout, Work Engagement, and Sickness Absenteeism. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 30. 893 - 917