The reform of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (Ministerial Decree of August 29, 2014, n. 171) has redesigned the structure of the Ministry and its organization. It is in the presence of a further... [ view full abstract ]
The reform of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (Ministerial Decree of August 29, 2014, n. 171) has redesigned the structure of the Ministry and its organization. It is in the presence of a further evolution of the governance changes that led to strengthen the process of decentralization / centralization, streamlining tasks and granting independence especially for the museum sector.
The complexity of the cultural sector - subject to the logic of management related to the public sphere - modified the intra-organizational and inter-organizational relationship. Many authors have commented on the evolution of network over the time and more clearly in highly complex situations (Castells, 1996; Kickert, 1997; Jones et al., 1997; Klijn and Koppenjan, 2000; Agranoff and McGuire, 2001; Bagdadli, 2002; Montella, 2003). The study begins with an analysis of the evolutionary path of governance in the museum sector and aims to analyse the introduction of the recent reform of the Italian cultural sector by resorting to network governance theory as a possible key. Even if years later, in fact, the reform led to an advance to amend the structure and relationships between entities belonging to the system. The analysis constitutes a first preliminary study. It considers the foundational elements of the network governance, analysing the structure of relationship and the coordination defined by the new reform on meso and micro levels; furthermore the study analyses the possible factors that may converge towards the formation of the national museum system.
To establish a real national system is necessary to provide the implementation of the web relationships between various actors with diverse features and the extensive coordination.
These relations may be under the lens of an evolution of a network system that requires proper management and that may affect the cultural system and, more generally, territorial integrity of the country.
The research question to which the exploratory analysis aims to answer and based on documental examination- is:
“In the light of the recent ministerial reform for the cultural public sector, how and why is it possible to identify an evolution of governance in network governance for the museums?”
This work is the first part of a wider research project in which they will implement an analysis on the potential development of network governance and network management - to regional and national extension - including museums, territory and various kinds of actors ( inter-organizational network) and among state museums and other cultural institutions (intra-organizational network). This paper aims to contribute to the analysis of governance in the cultural sector and in particular on the new analytical model of the Italian ministerial reform.
D2 - Context, behaviour and evolution: new perspectives on public and non-profit governanc