Acellular Matrix Biomaterial Promotes Vasculogenesis and Cardiac Repair: Evidence of a Bioinductive FGF-2-dependent Mechanism 


Background: Extracellular matrix (ECM) biomaterials can promote cardiac repair and functional recovery post-MI, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. ECM has bioinductive effects given its capacity to retain growth... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Daniyil Svystonyuk (University of Calgary)
  2. Holly Mewhort (University of Calgary)
  3. Jeannine Turnbull (University of Calgary)
  4. Guoqi Teng (University of Calgary)
  5. Darrell Belke (University of Calgary)
  6. David Guzzardi (University of Calgary)
  7. Daniel Park (University of Calgary)
  8. Sean Kang (University of Calgary)
  9. Paul Fedak (University of Calgary)

Topic Areas

Topics: Frontiers in Heart Failure, Cardiac Assist and Regeneration , Topics: Platform Technologies & Biomaterials


RF_Pos » Rapid Fire Poster Talks (18:30 - Thursday, 8th September, Max Bell 253)