The present article presents a reflection on the transformations in the conception of nature and the socioeconomic, political and cultural changes that occurred after the installation of the Tyssenkrupp Steel Company - Companhia Siderúrgica do Atlântico (CSA) in Santa Cruz, Sepetiba Bay, West Zone City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A series of impacts on human health and citizenship, as well as events related to the installation and operation of this company were analyzed. The methodology used in this study involved the collection of information disseminated in print and digital media between the years 2010 to 2016, and literature review. Air pollution caused by the operation of the blast furnace with continuous explosions and silver soot launched into the air was observed.
The company started operations in 2010, with the operation of the blast furnace without adequate environmental licensing, facing popular manifestoes opposed to the project and concerned about the pollution and the quality of life of the local population. Immediately after the start of operations, surrounding neighborhoods and neighboring cities, such as the City of Itaguaí and City of Mangaratiba, were covered with a bright dust, which the population called "silver rain". This dust is composed of silver particles and has caused problems in public health.
Aerial pollution is also accompanied by the destruction of a mangrove area of Sepetiba Bay, with dredging of deepening of the Port of Itaguaí, access Channel used for Motorboats and boat traffic and the contamination of the waters with untreated effluent discharge have prevented fishing on the spot.
The population has gathered and demonstrated through the written and televised media, so that the Brazilian authorities adopt preventive measures against environmental impacts with a reflection on the health of the population surrounding the project and the neighboring Cities. Nowadays, the population is characterized by situations of Environmental Injustice, environmental protection agencies have allowed the Company to operate through a Term of Adjustment of Conduct (TAC), without the Operating License, which is leading to environmental damage and Public health; It is important to emphasize that it is a universal right to a healthy environment, in the Federal Constitution of Brazil of 1988, where Article 196 states that "health is the right of everyone and the duty of the State, guaranteed by social and economic policies aimed at reducing Risk of disease, and universal and equal access to actions and services for the promotion, protection and recovery of the population's health including the environment”. Although Brazilian laws are well drafted, environmental protection agencies do not apply the law as they should, Favoring to Entrepreneurs to the detriment of the population, that gets sick in the territory in which they live breathing the silver dust. The Public Prosecution Office of the State of Rio de Janeiro has denounced TKCSA and its directors for atmospheric contamination at "levels capable of causing harm to human health", based on studies showing an average increase of 600% in iron concentration.
Keywords: Environmental License, public hearing, silver rains, public health, Environmental Justice.