The impact of circular economy strategies in urban areas on global climate change

Maarten Christis

Vito NV

Maarten Christis (°1989) graduated as commercial engineer in technology, innovation, and environmental management in 2012 at Hasselt University, Belgium. He started his PhD at VITO in the unit sustainable materials. The PhD is part of the Flemish policy research centre sustainable materials management. The goal of the PhD is to both describe and analyse material flows on a macro-economic level in Flanders based on, amongst others, material flow analysis and physical input-output modelling. As a member of the sustainable materials team at VITO (since 2016), he uses statistical data sources, economic models, and data science to generate evidence based insights in the dynamics of economic strategies for public authorities and for industry.


Climate policies call for producers and consumers to drastically reduce their climate change impact. In the climate agreement of the Paris 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, governments agreed a long-term goal of... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Maarten Christis (Vito NV)
  2. Aristide Athanassiadis (Université Libre de Bruxelles -)
  3. An Vercalsteren (Vito NV)

Topic Areas

• Environmentally and socially-extended input-output analysis , • Sustainable urban systems , • Sustainable consumption and production


WS-8 » Input-Output analysis and the Circular economy (11:30 - Wednesday, 28th June, Room E)

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