The impact of biogas production on the circularity of nitrogen flows around a dairy farm

Dieu Linh Hoang

university of groningen

DL (Linh) Hoang is a PhD student at the Center for Energy and Environmental Sciences (IVEM) - University of Groningen in The Netherlands. She completed her Bachelor of Environmental Sciences in Vietnam National University Hanoi. Inspired by how the industry has been shaping the world development via her first job as a Secretary of Environmental Management System (EMS, ISO 14001), Linh continued her education with a master programme in Industrial Ecology in Sweden and the Netherlands, funded by Erasmus Mundus. In her master thesis, she investigated the supply chain transparency in the Circular Economy. For the PhD program, Linh is working on a project titled Adaptive Logistics in Circular Economy which aims to select viable configurations of value-adding activities related to Biomass and Biogas in a Circular Economy. 


Keywords: recycling nitrogen flows, circular economy, biogas production Dairy farms require a significant amount of nitrogen to enter the production system via cattle fodder, which in intensive farming can be traced back to... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Dieu Linh Hoang (university of groningen)
  2. Christopher Davis (university of groningen)
  3. Sanderine Nonhebel (university of groningen)
  4. Gerard P.J. Dijkema (university of groningen)

Topic Areas

• Industrial symbiosis and eco-industrial development , • Socio-economic metabolism and material flow analysis , • Food, energy, water, and nutrient material flows and footprints


MS-7 » Industrial symbiosis and biobased economy (11:45 - Monday, 26th June, Room D)

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