Conceptual Foundation and First Application of a Material Systems Model

Stefan Pauliuk

University of Freiburg

Stefan Pauliuk is an internationally recognized sustainability researcher with expertise in accounting, assessment, and prospective modelling of industrial systems and sustainable development strategies. His research focuses on quantifying the potential for material and energy efficiency in the steel and copper cycles, on the development of indicators for sustainable development, and on sustainable use of biomass and land. He has worked at the intersection of different model frameworks, including material flow analysis and life cycle assessment. He has contributed to the research on the system-wide effects of the circular economy by applying material flow analysis, life cycle assessment, and input-output analysis to material cycles. He devised an extension of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) that includes waste flows, cascade use of waste and by-products, as well as detailed capital accounts. He also contributed to the detailed analysis of global supply chains by integrating physical and monetary multiregional input-output models. Stefan Pauliuk is assistant professor for sustainable energy and material flow management at the faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Freiburg, Germany, were he is currently building up a research group for industrial ecology. Research and teaching at the faculty focus on the protection of natural resources and the adaptation of ecosystems and human-environment systems to global change.


Closed material cycles are at the core of sustainable development, but a comprehensive techno-economic model of the different material cycles to study the future effects of the different strategies for closing material cycles... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Stefan Pauliuk (University of Freiburg)
  2. Stefanie Klose (University of Freiburg)
  3. Sebastiaan Deetman (Leiden University - Faculty of Science - Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML))
  4. Shinichiro Nakamura (Waseda University)

Topic Areas

• Socio-economic metabolism and material flow analysis , • Advances in methods (e.g., life cycle assessment, social impact assessment, resilience a , • Circular economy


ThS-11 » Material Flow Applications 1 (09:45 - Thursday, 29th June, Room H)

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