Mental Health Uncertainty and Inevitability. Rejuvenating the relationship between Social Science and Psychiatry. Hugh Middleton and Melanie Jordan (Meet the Author Session)

Hugh Middleton

University of Nottingham

Hugh retired from more than twenty years as a consultant psychiatrist and academic in Nottingham just over a year ago. For the last ten years his academic time was spent in the University of Nottingham's School of Sociology and Social Policy where he taught medical sociology with a psychiatric twist and supervised a number of PhD students. He is Co-chair of the UK Critical Psychiatry Network and has been instrumental in developing the Qualitative Research on Mental Health conferences. In additional to numerous peer reviewed publications Hugh authored "Psychiatry Reconsidered" which was published in 2015. He co-edited "Mental Health Uncertainty and Inevitability" which is the subject of a "meet the author" session during this conference. 


Original knowledge, debate, and understanding from frontline fieldwork data and the relations between mental health difficulties, mental healthcare provision, and social theory.Dominant medical discourse has marginalised... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Hugh Middleton (University of Nottingham)

Topic Areas

Influencing research , Uncertainty , Other organisational approaches


FRAM PUP » Papers: Understanding Psychosis (12:00 - Friday, 1st September, Chadwick Building, Chadwick Lecture Theatre)

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