Critical theory , psychiatry and ISPS
My name is Jan Verhaegh. Since 1997 I was active in the user/survivor-movement. I was board member of (international) user /survivor-movement ENUSP Since 2008 I’m board member of Autism Europe. I studied also science of... [ view full abstract ]
My name is Jan Verhaegh. Since 1997 I was active in the user/survivor-movement. I was board member of (international) user /survivor-movement ENUSP Since 2008 I’m board member of Autism Europe. I studied also science of religion(Drs) and in 2014 I got the master degree in philosophy of psychiatry
1. Critical theory is the opposite of traditional theory. Traditional theory is confirming the situation as it is. It is the dominant theory. Critical theory is an instrument in the hands of the not dominant groups with the intention to improve their situation. It was developed par example by Jewish philosophers from Germany under fascism.
2 An association as the ISPS which has less power than the dominant biological psychiatry critical theory can be helpful as a support in arguments to make a plea for a treatment of psychiatric patients (suffering from psychosis) in a psychological and social way stronger.
3 We can elements for this critical theory find on the level of science, on the level of psychology, on the level of psychiatry, on the level of philosophy of psychiatry and from the side of user/survivors movements.
4 We can also find it in texts of the woman movement, the LGBT movement, the ant-racist movement, the workers-movement, the anti poverty movement and other movements. They give not only good analysis of the social context in which we live but also about problems of mental health.
5 The least known amongst psychiatrists and users/survivors is the contribution of dialectical philosophy. What is that? What are the basic principles and why is that useful for thinking about psychiatry ?
With thanks to Margreet de Pater
Jan Verhaegh
Topic Areas
Experts by experience , Society's impact on mental health , Other approaches to working for change
THPM2 PCH » Papers: Political (17:05 - Thursday, 31st August, CT Hub, Lecture Theatre D)
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