The ISPS 2017 conference presents an opportunity for those interested in psychanalytic approaches to psychosis to meet in a workshop format to outline and reflect on progress in the first months of a new ISPS subgroup and to gather further ideas as to how the subgroup can best develop. The topics and ideas will bought by participants but include developing psychoanalytic contributions to
- public sector psychosis services,
- research
- individual, group, family and community wide approaches
A major objective of ISPS as an organisation is to increase the availability of psychological therapies for people who experience psychosis. To achieve this administrators and clinicians need to be well informed and ongoing research is necessary. Political skills in changing systems are essential.
In recent years ISPS has become an increasingly broad organisation attracting members with a variety of experience in different psychological therapies, people with experience of psychosis and family members and those wanting to learn more about our field.
Although ISPS has benefited from the changes that have led to our diversity, it is not without some ‘side-effects’. There is a need for those with a particular area or interest or expertise within ISPS boundaries to be able to connect with one another, support one another, share with and learn from one another.
Therefore, a psychoanalytic subgroup has been formed within ISPS with more than 100 persons expressing initial interest. It is hoped that other sub-groups will also form to strengthen the pillars of ISPS so that our internal and external bridges can be stronger.
This will be the first opportunity for some members of the group to meet in person
Changing ISPS , Other overaching themes and conceptual issues , Other organisational approaches