Color-based Free-Space Segmentation using Online Disparity-supervised Learning
This work contributes to vision processing for Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS) and intelligent vehicle applications. We propose a color-only stixel segmentation framework to segment traffic scenes into free, drivable... [ view full abstract ]
This work contributes to vision processing for Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS) and intelligent vehicle applications. We propose a color-only stixel segmentation framework to segment traffic scenes into free, drivable space and obstacles, which has a reduced latency to improve the real-time processing capabilities. Our system learns color appearance models for free-space and obstacle classes in an online and self-supervised fashion. To this end, it applies a disparity-based segmentation, which can run in the background of the critical system path, either with a time delay of several frames or at a frame rate that is only a third of that of the color-based algorithm. In parallel, the most recent video frame is analyzed solely with these learned color appearance models, without an actual disparity estimate and the corresponding latency. This translates into a reduced response time from data acquisition to data analysis, which is a critical property for high-speed ADAS. Our evaluation on two publicly available datasets, one of which we introduce as part of this work, shows that the color-only analysis can achieve similar or even better results in difficult imaging conditions, compared to the disparity-only method. Our system improves the quality of the free-space analysis, while simultaneously lowering the latency and the computational load.
Willem P. Sanberg
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
Gijs Dubbelman
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
Peter H.N. de With
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
Topic Areas
Advanced Vehicle Safety Systems , Driver Assistance Systems , Sensing, Vision, and Perception
We-B9 » Special Session - Computer Vision and Imaging Systems in Transportation II (13:40 - Wednesday, 16th September, San Borondón B1)