Quantum Dynamics of an Interacting Electron Gas in a Nanosphere

Alexandra Crai

Imperial College London

Alexandra Crai is a second year PhD student in Condensed Matter Theory in Imperial College London, working with Prof Ortwin Hess. This work is done in collaboration with Junior-Prof. Doris Reiter and Prof. Tilmann Kuhn from University of Muenster, Germany.


Plasmonic nanostructures provide a suitable environment for light-matter interaction on the nanoscale. The plasmonic excitation in the nanostructure generates hot electrons, with applications in chemistry, photovoltaics and... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Alexandra Crai (Imperial College London)
  2. Andreas Pusch (Imperial College London)
  3. Doris E Reiter (University of Münster)
  4. Tilmann Kuhn (University of Münster)
  5. Ortwin Hess (Imperial College London)

Topic Areas

Photonic & plasmonic nanomaterials , Optical properties of nanostructures , Quantum nano-optics


OS2a-R207 » Optical properties of nanostructures (14:30 - Thursday, 14th September, Room 207)

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