Plasmonic Metasurface Absorber by Transfer Printing

Maik Meudt

University of Wuppertal, Chair of Large Area Optoelectronics

Maik Meudt is Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering at the Chair of Large Area Optoelectronics at the University of Wuppertal. During 2008-2014 he studied Physics at the RWTH Aachen University. In 2014 he received his M.Sc. in Physics from the RWTH Aachen University.


Metasurfaces are capable of manipulating photons at subwavelength scale, introducing the field of flat optics. Combined with metals, outstanding properties such as high optical absorption and thermal and electrical... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Maik Meudt (University of Wuppertal, Chair of Large Area Optoelectronics)
  2. Timo Jakob (University of Wuppertal, Chair of Large Area Optoelectronics)
  3. Andreas Polywka (University of Wuppertal, Chair of Large Area Optoelectronics)
  4. Luca Stegers (University of Wuppertal, Chair of Large Area Optoelectronics)
  5. Stefan Kropp (University of Wuppertal, Chair of Large Area Optoelectronics)
  6. Simon Runke (University of Wuppertal, Chair of Electromagnetic Theory)
  7. Martin Zang (University of Wuppertal, Chair of Electromagnetic Theory)
  8. Markus Clemens (University of Wuppertal, Chair of Electromagnetic Theory)
  9. Patrick Görrn (University of Wuppertal, Chair of Large Area Optoelectronics)

Topic Areas

Photonic & plasmonic nanomaterials , Strong light-matter interactions at the nanoscale , Metamaterials


OS3a-1 » Metamaterials (14:30 - Wednesday, 3rd October, ROOM 1)