The generation of high power coherent radiation in the GHz to THz ranges is a very important topic of recent research, notably after recent findings that synchronization between superlattices leads to a dramatic increase in output power [1]. Nonlinear optical effects in semiconductor materials have been strongly investigated in the near infrared and visible spectra, but the GHz-THz-Mid Infrared (MIR) ranges are wide open for investigation.
This talk starts with a fully predictive microscopic approach combining Nonequilibrium Green's Functions and relaxation-rate approximations for the Boltzmann equation describing the nonlinear polarization in semiconductor superlattices (SSLs) at arbitrary orders in very good agreement with experiments [2,3].
Next we investigate the ultimate efficiency of SSLs as devices [4] for room temperature THz emission based on harmonic on multiplication of GHz inputs including limitations imposed by the buildup of electric field domains [5].
These results open the possibility of extending the whole field of nonlinear optics to the GHZ-THz range and the possibility of designing materials and devices for a large number of applications, including spectroscopy of biomolecules, which typically have strong GHz-THz resonances.
[1] B. Gaifullin et al, Phys. Rev. Applied 7, 044024 (2017).
[2] M.F. Pereira et al, Phys. Rev. B 96, 045306 (2017).
[3] M.F. Pereira et al, Nanophoton 11 (4), 046022 (2017).
[4] Karl F. Renk et al, Advances in Optoelectronics, 54042 (2007).
[5] K. N. Alekseev, et al, EPL (Europhysics Letters), 73(6):934, 2006.
Figure Captions:
Fig.1. Normalized Harmonic Power of the lth harmonic to the 3rd harmonic nonlinearly generated by input fields oscillating. The corresponding solid lines have been calculated using our theory.
Fig. 2. Calculated efficiency for a (3 X ω1=300 GHz) parametric oscillator as a function of the pump amplitude U1. The amplitude of the third harmonic is fixed at U3=0.1Uc. The dark grey region indicates the response of efficiency if ones assumes that electric instability (domains) at large pump amplitudes does not prevent the field in the resonator from growing.
Optical properties of nanostructures , Optics and transport on 2D materials , Nonlinear nano-optics