Odd one out? Public attitudes towards recreational hunting
Frank Jensen
University of Copenhagen
Ph. D. Frank Søndergaard Jensen (FSJ) is Professor with special responsibilities within Outdoor Recreation at the Dept. of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management at the University of Copenhagen, where he is head of the research group on Nature, Green Spaces and Outdoor Recreation (http://ign.ku.dk/english/research/landscape-architecture-planning/nature-green-spaces-and-outdoor-recreation/). FSJ’s research has focused on monitoring the use of nature areas for recreation and assessment of the general population’s preferences for different environments for recreational purposes. This experience has e.g. been utilised as expert member of Danish government commissions on access legislation and development of the first Danish national outdoor recreation policy. International research has been conducted in e.g. a number of Scandinavian and EU-funded projects, primarily focusing on outdoor recreation and forestry. Lately, research interest also includes values, attitudes and behaviour in relation to wildlife management and the impact of recreational activities on the GDP. For more information please see: http://ign.ku.dk/english/employees/landscape-architecture-planning/?pure=en/persons/269934
Christian Gamborg
University of Copenhagen
Christian Gamborg, Ph.D. Associate Professor in Natural Resource Ethics, Dept. Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen. The main part of his research relates to ethical aspects in relation to the human use of the natural environment. He has been part of governmental agency advisory groups on wild boar and wolf management in relation to social and ethical aspects. Besides scientific communication on these issues, he has recently (2016) co-authored a book: ”Hunting: Nature, Humans, Animals and Killing” (in Danish), trying to understand hunting in a contemporary, urbanized society from different value perspectives.
What is the attitude of the general public towards hunting in Denmark – a highly urbanized European country? As a recreational activity – with a (growing) participation rate of 4% – hunting stands apart from other forms... [ view full abstract ]
- Frank Jensen (University of Copenhagen)
- Christian Gamborg (University of Copenhagen)
Topic Areas
Topics: Wildlife, Tourism, and Recreation , Topics: Hunting and Fishing , Topics: Cognitive Research (Values, Attitudes, Behaviors)
T-2A » Wildlife Value Orientations (10:00 - Tuesday, 19th September, Assembly Hall A)
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