Discussion: Addressing challenges and opportunities for wildlife governance
Despite the established consensus on the need to provide people with opportunities to participate in natural resource management, uncertainties endure as to future outcomes of governance approaches. The session will conclude... [ view full abstract ]
Despite the established consensus on the need to provide people with opportunities to participate in natural resource management, uncertainties endure as to future outcomes of governance approaches. The session will conclude with a discussion about challenges and opportunities for wildlife governance. The audience will be invited to reflect upon a number of questions raised in the presentations such as: What measures are needed to increase inter-organizational communication, co-operation and coordination in the management of contested space and habitat, given complex interactions of state, private and civil society actors at various levels? What are the implications of individual and collective processes of meaning-building in the establishment of social, human and physical capital and trust in people and the governance system? How can human responses to changes in the biophysical environment be understood and applied to wildlife governance and management? Which policy support and investments are needed to foster integrative development? What are the priorities, challenges and needs at the national, regional and local levels?
Camilla Sandström
(Umeå University)
Sabrina Dressel
(Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)
Maria Johansson
(Lund University)
Annelie Sjoelander-Lindqvist
(University of Gothenburg)
Topic Area
Topics: Fish and Wildlife Governance (e.g. decentralization, corruption)
D2-1A » Challenges in Wildlife Governance- Different Ways Forward (08:00 - Wednesday, 10th January, Kuiseb 2)
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