Close encounters of the sustainable kind: integrating human and animal behaviour to develop tourist viewing protocols
Despite the benefits tourism may provide to conservation, irresponsible wildlife viewing practices may threaten the sustainability of both business and conservation initiatives. In north-west Namibia, one... [ view full abstract ]
Despite the benefits tourism may provide to conservation, irresponsible wildlife viewing practices may threaten the sustainability of both business and conservation initiatives. In north-west Namibia, one conservation-oriented tourism enterprise is providing tourists with a unique opportunity to view the critically-endangered black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) on foot. Using data captured from 123 rhinoceros encounters, we employed a statistical modeling approach to: (1) explore and identify human-rhinoceros encounter variables that led to rhinoceros disturbance; and (2) design sustainable rhinoceros-human encounter guidelines. A model-averaging, information-theoretic approach identified closest approach distance, viewing time and individual encounter exposure as the most significant predictors of rhinoceros disturbance level. A suite of rhinoceros viewing scenarios were modeled for acceptable disturbance risks, and adopted as DRC’s rhinoceros viewing policy. The policy reduced disturbance by 80% while maintaining a 90% positive feedback rating from guests. Our results demonstrate how an evidence-based, policy-oriented management approach can help improve tourism’s contribution towards the conservation of an endangered species.
Jeff Muntifering
(Minnesota Zoo)
Wayne Linklater
(Victoria University of Wellington)
Robin Naidoo
(World Wildlife Fund)
Simson Uri-khob
(Save the Rhino Trust)
Pierre du Preez
(Ministry of Environment and Tourism)
Petrus Beytell
(Ministry of Environment and Tourism)
Andrew Knight
(Imperial College of London)
Topic Areas
Topics: Wildlife, Tourism, and Recreation , Topics: Linking Science to Action , Topics: Policy and Legislation
D3-2B » Wildlife, Tourism and Recreation (10:30 - Thursday, 11th January, Omatako 1)
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