Opening Plenary Session
Minister Olaf Lies, Dr. Beate Jessel, Mr. Humberto Delgato Rosa, Mr. Karmenu Vella
Pathways 2018
Minister Olaf Lies, Lower Saxon Minister of the Environment, Energy, Building and Climate Protection.
Dr. Beate Jessel, President of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
Mr. Humberto Delgato Rosa, Director for Natural Capital, DG Environment, European Commission
Mr. Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner of Environment and Fisheries
Welcome Message by the Lower Saxon Minister of the Environment, Energy, Building and Climate Protection – Minister Olaf Lies Attitudes towards conservation and their consequences for 21st century conservation management –... [ view full abstract ]
PL-1 » Conference Opening and Plenary Session (08:30 - Monday, 17th September, Großer Saal)