Seabirds and humans in close encounter: Do social norms regulate birder behaviour
A survey among birding tourists in 2017 to the birdcliff Hornøya in northeast Norway was conducted in the winter of 2018. The objective was to investigate the role of assumed consequences and social norms on birders' behavior... [ view full abstract ]
A survey among birding tourists in 2017 to the birdcliff Hornøya in northeast Norway was conducted in the winter of 2018. The objective was to investigate the role of assumed consequences and social norms on birders' behavior towards seabirds nesting in a birdcliff. At Hornøya, birders are able to get close to birds and birds not necessarily leave their nest or nest area even if people get close. Yet, studies show reduced recruitment success of birds nesting close to areas open to visitors. We analyse the importance of assumed consquences, as well as social norms on regulating birders' behavior toward birds, for instance to the extent they choose to move into areas closed to visitors or standing (very) close to birds. Implications of findings for management of the area including how to combine tourism and Conservation will be discussed.
(At the moment I cannot be more specific about the results as the survey has just recently been sent out and analyses will be conducted in the summer).
Øystein Aas
(Norwegian Institute for Nature Research)
Stian Stensland
(Norwegian University of Life Sciences)
Mehmet Mehmetoglu
Topic Areas
Topics: Management of Human-Wildlife Conflicts: “Other” Species in Europe , Topics: Natural Resource and Conservation Stakeholders: Managing Expectations and Engageme
M-A1 » Tourism and Recreation 'A' (10:45 - Monday, 17th September, Marmorsaal)
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