Session: OS2c-A
Biomarkers and diagnostics, imaging, biochip/microarray technologies
Prof. Jacques Beckmann
17:00 - 18:00 on
Tuesday, 26th of June 2018
Alessia Cordaro (University of Turin), Chiara Brioschi (Bracco Imaging SpA), Federica Chianale (Bracco Imaging SpA), Luigi Miragoli (Bracco Imaging SpA), Paolo Oliva (Bracco Imaging SpA), Giovanni Valbusa (EPHORAN - Multi Imaging Solutions), Francesco Blasi (Bracco Imaging SpA), Federico Maisano (Bracco Imaging SpA), Enzo Terreno (University of Turin)
Saoussen Trabelsi (Farhat HACHED university hospital . department of cytogenetics, molecular genetics and reproductive biology), Ameni Touati (Farhat HACHED university hospital . department of cytogenetics, molecular genetics and reproductive biology), Nesrine Ben Salah (Farhat HACHED university hospital . department of cytogenetics, molecular genetics and reproductive biology), Maroua Mastouri (Farhat HACHED university hospital . department of cytogenetics, molecular genetics and reproductive biology), Nadia Mama (Sahloul university hospital . department of imagery), Mohamed Ladib (Sahloul university hospital . department of neurosurgery), Slim Ben Ahmed (Farhat HACHED university hospital . department of oncology), Noureddine Bouaouina (Farhat HACHED university hospital . department of radiotherapy), Moncef Mokni (Farhat HACHED university hospital . department of cytopthology), Hedi Krifa (Sahloul university hospital . department of neurosurgery), Ali Saad (Farhat HACHED university hospital . department of cytogenetics, molecular genetics and reproductive biology), Kalthoum Tlili (Sahloul university hospital . department of imagery), Chris Jones (Divisions of Molecular Pathology and Cancer Therapeutics.The Institute of Cancer Research. London.), Dorra H'mida (Farhat HACHED university hospital . department of cytogenetics, molecular genetics and reproductive biology)
Dannel Yeo (University of Melbourne), Robert Jorissen (The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research), Mehrdad Nikfarjam (University of Melbourne), Petranel Ferrao (University of Melbourne)