Multiplexed Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution with a Single Local Oscillator

Ofek Gillon

Bar Ilan University

Ofek Gillon studied his bachelor degree in Bar Ilan University in the fields of theoretical mathematics and applied physics. In the last 2 years he is studying his Masters degree in Nonlinear and Quantum Optics.


We demonstrate enhancement of the information rate in continuous-variable quantum key distribution (QKD) by a factor of 20 compared to standard techniques (and potentially by 4-6 orders of magnitude) using broadband squeezed... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Ofek Gillon (Bar Ilan University)
  2. Alon Eldan (Bar Ilan University)
  3. Avi Pe'er (Bar Ilan University)

Topic Areas

Quantum communication , Quantum optics and non-classical light sources


OS3a-R235A » Quantum optics & Quantum communication (14:30 - Friday, 7th September, Room 235A)

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