Using contextual information in the evaluation of the effectiveness of mid-platform fencing

Urszula Matthews

University of Nottingham

Urszula Matthews has worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Nottingham and is now studying for her PhD in the same institution.


Mid-platform fencing is one of the solutions that aims to minimise the number of rail suicides occurring at stations. This measure is in use on a number of stations across the UK, limiting public access to the main line tracks... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Urszula Matthews (University of Nottingham)
  2. Brendan Ryan (University of Nottingham)

Topic Areas

Systems safety, risk management and incident reporting , Accident and incident investigation , Safety culture , Station design, passenger information systems, CCTV and crowd management , Trespass, vandalism and suicide


S&S-1 » Suicide and Sustainability (14:00 - Wednesday, 8th November, Smile 1)

