Application of Next Generation Sequencing to Biosurveillance


The Biosurveillance Ecosystem (BSVE) is a rapidly emerging capability being developed by the DTRA Chemical and Biological Technologies Department to enable real-time biosurveillance for early warning and course of action... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Jean Challacombe (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  2. Yan Xu (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  3. Karen Davenport (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  4. Tracy Erkkila (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  5. Patrick Chain (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Topic Area

Gene editing, synthetic genomics, forensics, and biosurveillance


OS-5 » Metagenomics, Informatics, Assembly & Analysis (14:00 - Wednesday, 17th May, La Fonda Ballroom)

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