Social LCA of Life Extension Options for Truck Tires in Brazil

Sara Russo Garrido

Polytechnique Montreal/ÉSG UQÀM, CIRAIG International Life Cycle Chair

Sara Russo Garrido is research and planning coordinator at the CIRAIG a research center focusing on SLCA and ELCA, based in Montreal, Canada. She has authored, led, and managed social life cycle assessment studies and analyses related to the inclusion of social aspects in sustainability strategies and corporate social responsibility.


In 2014, the CIRAIG’s International Life Cycle Chair (Polytechnique Montreal/ESG UQAM) completed a joint environmental and social LCA mandate for Michelin. The object of these environmental and social LCAs was to carry out a... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Luce Beaulieu, M.Sc. (Polytechnique Montreal/ÉSG UQÀM, CIRAIG International Life Cycle Chair)
  2. Sara Russo Garrido (Polytechnique Montreal/ÉSG UQÀM, CIRAIG International Life Cycle Chair)
  3. Jean-Pierre Revéret (Polytechnique Montreal/ÉSG UQÀM, CIRAIG International Life Cycle Chair)

Topic Areas

Supporting supply chain due diligence on human and labor rights with Social LCA , Impact assessment methods , Impact Assessment methods


OS-4A » Supporting supply chain due diligence on human and labor rights with Social LCA 2 (14:00 - Tuesday, 14th June, Knaffel gym)

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