Big data meets small data in that footprint lab in the sky

Joy Murray

Integrated Sustainability Analysis / School of Physics / The University of Sydney

Joy Murray is Senior Research Fellow with Integrated Sustainability Analysis (ISA), University of Sydney, School of Physics. Before ISA Joy spent 25 years in education, pre-school to post-graduate. She has worked with government housing residents to develop leadership capacity. She has edited 5 books including The Sustainability Practitioner’s Guide series.


When he asked the question “Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?” Edward Lorenz reminded us that everything is connected and that we are all part of the web that makes up life on... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Joy Murray (Integrated Sustainability Analysis / School of Physics / The University of Sydney)
  2. Arne Geschke (University of Sydney)
  3. Arunima Malik (ISA, School of Physics A28, The University of Sydney)
  4. Manfred Lenzen (University of Sydney)

Topic Areas

Calculating product and organizational social footprints , Impact assessment methods


OS-5A » Supporting supply chain due diligence on human and labor rights with Social LCA 3 (08:45 - Wednesday, 15th June, Knaffel gym)

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