Interrelations between Poverty and International Trade


Poverty is a chronic phenomenon that affects a large proportion of the global population; addressing it is a huge task. Using input-output analysis, we calculate the poverty footprint (PF) of nations associated with their... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Ali Alsamawi (Integrated Sustainability Analysis / School of Physics / The University of Sydney)
  2. Joy Murray (Integrated Sustainability Analysis / School of Physics / The University of Sydney)
  3. Manfred Lenzen (Integrated Sustainability Analysis / School of Physics / The University of Sydney)

Topic Areas

Supporting supply chain due diligence on human and labor rights with Social LCA , Evaluating and improving supply chain impacts on human health and human well-being , Impact assessment methods


OS-5A » Supporting supply chain due diligence on human and labor rights with Social LCA 3 (08:45 - Wednesday, 15th June, Knaffel gym)

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