Proposition of a scoring method for the S-LCA assessment phase

Breno Carmo

Montreal Polytechnic

I'm an industrial engineer with a master in transportation engineering. Actually, i'm doing my PhD at Montreal Polytechnique and i'm working in Craig research team. I'm also professor at Federal University of Semiarid, in Brazil.


The current method used to score the performances at the assessment phase in social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) presents some implicit assumptions that can generate or improve the errors at the final aggregated results.... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Breno Carmo (Montreal Polytechnic)
  2. Manuele Margni (Montreal Polytechnic)
  3. Pierre Baptiste (Montreal Polytechnic)

Topic Area

Impact assessment methods


OS-3A » Inventory databases and impact assessment methods (11:00 - Tuesday, 14th June, Knaffel gym)

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