Circular economy: a critical review of concepts, and some thoughts on its usefulness in creating positive social impacts


Circular economy (CE) is a new concept currently gaining traction in both policy and business. According to the Ellen MacArthur foundation, a circular economy aims at closing technical and biotic loops through a... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Luce Beaulieu, M.Sc. (Polytechnique Montreal/ÉSG UQÀM, CIRAIG International Life Cycle Chair)
  2. Gabrielle Van Durme, M.Sc. (Polytechnique Montreal/ÉSG UQÀM, CIRAIG International Life Cycle Chair)
  3. Marie-Luc Arpin, B.Ing., M.Sc., Ph.D. candidate (Polytechnique Montreal/ÉSG UQÀM, CIRAIG International Life Cycle Chair)
  4. Jean-Pierre Revéret (Polytechnique Montreal/ÉSG UQÀM, CIRAIG International Life Cycle Chair)

Topic Area

Identifying social impacts in a circular economy


OS-6A » Identifying social impacts in a circular economy (10:15 - Wednesday, 15th June, Knaffel gym)

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