Positive aspects in a Social Life Cycle Assessment of a handicraft product: the case study of a wheels of semisoft juniper-smoked ricotta cheese

Luigia Petti

University «G. D’Annunzio», Department of Economic Studies

Associate Professor at “G. d’Annunzio” University of Pescara-Chieti (Italy). Her research topics include the study of economic activities in their interactions with the environment and the sustainability of product systems, with focus on S-LCA. She is member of the Italian LCA Network and author of more than 100 publications.


Context In Italy handicraft products are important drivers of the economic growth, and key elements that distinguish the Italian creative and design activities production worldwide. These products are made mainly by hand, and... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Monica Serreli (University «G. D’Annunzio», Department of Economic Studies)
  2. Manuela Cozzi (Studio Eco Project, L’Aquila)
  3. Alessandra Zamagni (Ecoinnovazione srl, ENEA spin-off. Via Guido Rossa 26, 35020 Ponte San Nicolò (Padova))
  4. Luigia Petti (University «G. D’Annunzio», Department of Economic Studies)

Topic Areas

Calculating product and organizational social footprints , Knowing and growing social handprints (positive impacts) , Collaborating to standardize indicators and to work on root causes


OS-4B » Knowing and growing social handprints (positive impacts) 2 (14:00 - Tuesday, 14th June, 1 Story street, Room 304)

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