Updating data in a generic social LCA database

Andreas Ciroth


Andreas Ciroth is founder and owner of GreenDelta, a sustainability consulting and software company based in Berlin, Germany, and teaches at Darmstadt university. He is one of the coauthors of UNEP's guidelines for SLCA and works in SLCA since about 2009


It has often been stated that Social LCA data is difficult to collect, to assess, and that it “decays” faster than natural-science based data which environmental LCA aims for. For a comprehensive, generic social LCA... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Andreas Ciroth (GreenDelta)
  2. Franziska Eisfeldt (GreenDelta)

Topic Area

Inventory databases


OS-3A » Inventory databases and impact assessment methods (11:00 - Tuesday, 14th June, Knaffel gym)

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