Identifying social impacts of sugarcane production in Brazil through content analysis and Social Hotspots Database

Chongyang Du

Department of Mechanical Engineering, ADAI-LAETA, University of Coimbra

Chongyang is a PhD candidate at the University of Coimbra, under the MIT-Portugal Program. She obtained her Master Degree on Environmental Management from Duke University with a focus on energy and the environment. Her research interests include LCA, Social-LCA, decision making science, CSR and sustainability assessment.


Brazil as the world's largest sugarcane producer has witnessed a rapid expansion of its sugarcane sector. However, sugarcane production in Brazil has been criticized for its questionable records on environmental and social... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Chongyang Du (Department of Mechanical Engineering, ADAI-LAETA, University of Coimbra)
  2. Cassia Ugaya (Post-Graduation Program of Materials and Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Technology)
  3. Fausto Freire (Department of Mechanical Engineering, ADAI-LAETA, University of Coimbra)
  4. Luis Dias (INESC Coimbra and Faculty of Economic, University of Coimbra)
  5. Roland Clift (Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey)

Topic Areas

Supporting supply chain due diligence on human and labor rights with Social LCA , Evaluating and improving supply chain impacts on human health and human well-being


OS-1A » Supporting supply chain due diligence on human and labor rights with Social LCA 1 (14:00 - Monday, 13th June, Knaffel Gym)

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