Social and Environmental Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Healthcare Services – A Qualitative Approach

Najoua Jouini

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ph.D. candidate at the University of Wisconsin – Madison with a certificate in Business, Environment and Social Responsibility and a certificate in Energy Analysis and Policy. Najoua received her master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Stuttgart in Germany with minors in Energy Technology and Energy Economics.


Companies have been increasingly challenged to evaluate not just their environmental performance but also their social and economic performances. Following the environmental life cycle assessment approach (E-LCA), social life... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Najoua Jouini (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
  2. Patrick Eagan (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Topic Areas

Calculating product and organizational social footprints , Considering social issues in design and innovations , Impact Assessment methods


PS-1 » Posters (10:30 - Tuesday, 14th June, Knaffel gym)

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