Social life-cycle assessment of vicugna fiber production in the province of Jujuy, Argentina. Preliminary selection of indicators.

Leila Schein

National University of Luján INAHE CONICET

Leila is a phD Student at INAHE CONICET, Argentina. She works with waste bioenergy models and its social impacts, from a consequential LCA persepctive, for which system approach is a key element in order to understand and manage the compelxity of the scenarios assessed.


Natural fibers from camelids (Camelidae) have been highly valued since ancient times. The Andean native people of the Altiplano region, have been using wild vicunas (Vicugna vicugna) for centuries to obtain fiber and food.... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Leila Schein (National University of Luján INAHE CONICET)
  2. Silvia Curadelli (National Technological University)
  3. Yanina Arzamendia (Fac de Cs. Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy)
  4. Bárbara Civit (INAHE - CONICET)

Topic Areas

Calculating product and organizational social footprints , Considering social issues in design and innovations


OS-2C » Calculating product and organizational social footprints 2 (16:00 - Monday, 13th June, 1 Story street, Room 306)

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