In my paper I take a theoretical view on the evaluation of Finnish language spoken by immigrants. Based on the previous study on huono suomi ‘bad Finnish’ and other pejoratively named language forms often spoken by immigrants, I analyze the different factors influencing the evaluation process.
In Finland bad Finnish is a language form connected to immigrants and language learners, and it carries many negative meanings (Halonen 2012). Connected with certain social personae the language form easily labels the speaker either immigrant or foreigner (Lehtonen 2017) and arises different attitudes that might categorize the speaker for example as less intelligent or educated as the native Finnish speakers (Niemelä 2016).
In my paper a analyze the possibility that not only the language form labels someone as a speaker of bad Finnish, but that certain outer appearance affects the evaluation of the language form. The analysis is based on group conversation data, where Finnish students evaluate the Finnish language of speakers with an immigrant background. The discourse of bad Finnish is a side observation that deserves attention. Here speaking Finnish in a “right” way seems to be one of the things separating “the real Finnish people” from the “strangers”. On the other hand not only does the language form affect but speaker’s other qualities might connect them to certain social group. Building on the structure by Irvine and Gal (2000) and Milani (2008) I detect the phases and connections between the language form, familiar to all Finns, and its (imagined) speakers.
Irvine, Judith T. & Gal, Susan 2000: Language ideology and linguistic differentiation. – Regimes of Language, P. V. Kroskrity (ed.) pp. 35–83
Halonen, Mia 2012: Rikkinäisiä ja likaisia. Kieli-ideologiset prosessit kielentutkimuksen diskursseissa. – Virittäjä 3/2012, pp. 443–462
Lehtonen, Heini 2017: Troping on prejudice. Stylised ”bad Finnish” performances and reflexivity among adolecents in Eastern Helsinki. – AILA Review 29, pp. 15–47
Milani, Tomasso M. 2008: Language testing and citizenship: A language ideological debate in Sweden. – Language in Society 37, pp. 27–59
Niemelä, Heidi 2016: Oululaisopiskelijoiden asenteet maahanmuuttajien puhumaa suomea kohtaan. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Oulun yliopiston kielten ja kirjallisuuden tutkimusyksikkö.