Trauma-Focused Evidence-based Treatment with Commercially Sexually Exploited Children
Shannon Self-Brown
Georgia State University
Dr. Shannon Self-Brown is a child clinical psychologist and a Full Professor an in the School of Public Health at Georgia State University. She is the Principal Investigator of several federally funded grants targeting prevention of child maltreatment and implementation of evidence-based practices in child welfare and public health. Her research interests include examining risk and protective factors for youth exposed to community and family violence, child maltreatment, and disaster, and commercial sexual exploitation, as well as the evaluation of dissemination/implementation efforts for child maltreatment prevention and intervention programs. She is Co-Director of Project Intersect
The Commercial Sexual Exploitation/Trafficking of Children (CSEC) represents a particular challenge for mental health professionals. Clients who have experienced sexual exploitation often have complex mental health needs... [ view full abstract ]
The Commercial Sexual Exploitation/Trafficking of Children (CSEC) represents a particular challenge for mental health professionals. Clients who have experienced sexual exploitation often have complex mental health needs and are at high risk for a broad range of adverse consequences. These youth often have extensive trauma histories and high rates of trauma-related symptoms. Trauma-focused, evidence-based treatments therefore are critical to effective intervention with exploited children and their families. In this workshop, the presenters will discuss guiding principles in applying Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) with commercially sexually exploited children and their caregivers. Utilizing a case example, TF-CBT in the context of phased-based treatment for Complex Trauma (Safety and Stabilization, Trauma Processing, and Integration and Consolidation) will be discussed as applied to exploited youth. In addition, the presenters will describe an iterative, feedback-informed implementation effort to train a network of U.S. providers in trauma-focused treatment, as well as CSEC-specific advanced applications to better serve youth and families across treatment settings. Dissemination and implementation challenges and strategies will be discussed. Therapist feedback and client qualitative reports of their experiences in TF-CBT treatment, as well as quantitative outcome data collected through program evaluation, will be shared with workshop attendees. Audience members will be invited to actively contribute to a better understanding of the application of Trauma-focused treatments with commercially sexually exploited children through systematically gathered feedback during the workshop, with the intention of informing international applications of TF-CBT with clients who have been commercially sexually exploited. In addition, to further enhance audience engagement, a client composite case example will be utilized to amplify the clinical applications discussed in the workshop and a therapist “case example” will be utilized to facilitate the presentation of training and dissemination challenges and strategies. Attendees will receive TF-CBT materials that can be implemented with CSEC clients in treatment services.
Shannon Self-Brown
(Georgia State University)
Kelly Kinnish
(Georgia Center for Child Advocacy)
Ashwini Tiwari
(McMaster University)
Topic Area
Child Trafficking (CT)
Workshop1 » Session1-Child Trafficking (11:00 - Monday, 2nd October, Asia Room)
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