mediation-meetings between victim and abusive part in cases of child sexual abuse
Mimi Strange
Director of the Januscentre, Copenhagen, Psychological Clinic and national researchcenter, certified MSc in Psychology. Specialist and supervisor in psychotherapy, clinical childpsychologist. Author, keynote speaker in Denmark and abroad, lecturer, clinical specalist and supervisor in the field of children and adolescents who have sexual behaviour problems or sexual abusive behaviourlatest publications: Meetings between victim and offender, 2016 (Frydenlund) (Danish) with Anette Bådsgaards et al and Children and S exuality,2016 (Reitzel) with AnnaLouise Stevnhøj, (danish)
Anette Badsgaard
Rigshospitalet, University hospital
manager of Center for Sexual Abuse, University Hospital, Copenhagen, clinic and researchcenter, social worker and specialist in child sexual abuse, latest publication: Meetings between victim and offender, 2016 (Frydenlund) (Danish) with Mimi Strange et al
mediationmeetings between victim an offending part in cases with CSA is an important intervention in cases where children are abused by other children and especially in sibling incest cases. An important part of the... [ view full abstract ]
- Mimi Strange (Januscentret)
- Anette Badsgaard (Rigshospitalet, University hospital)
Topic Area
Sexual Abuse
Oral 16 » Session 1-Child Sexual Abuse (11:00 - Tuesday, 3rd October, King Willem Alexander Compact)
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