Aysel Sabahoglu
Terre des Hommes Netherlands
Aysel Sabahoglu is a child rights officer at Terre des Hommes Netherlands. She has a legal background and has previously worked for Defence for Children International and the Research Bureau of the Green Left Party in The Netherlands.
TdH-NL’s objective in the conference will be to explore the most effective methods to ensure enterprises respect and protect children’s rights and remedy children’s rights violations.
The unique Corporate Social Responsibility Covenants Trajectory in The Netherlands aims to persuade companies to implement CSR policies that respect, protect and fulfil human rights. KPMG, commissioned by the Social and Economical Council of The Netherlands, has identified 13 risk sectors that should agree on such a covenant. However, to eradicate child labour, as per SDG 8.7, a specific law ending impunity is necessary. In this workshop, TdH NL will focus on the relevance of the draft law against child labour in The Netherlands (‘Wet Zorgplicht Kinderarbeid’/‘Child Labour Due Diligence Law’), which aims to hold companies administratively and criminally accountable for not abiding by international child labour laws. The objective of this presentation is to inform participants about this law in relation to recent research findings of TdH NL in India.
These research findings will be complemented by case-studies from Terre des Hommes Programmes, that demonstrate effective ways of dealing with enterprises and their child rights obligations.
Results: Presentation will trigger discussions on the effectiveness of such stakeholders’ dialogue and the urgent need for a CSR law ending impunity of companies that violate children’s rights.
Conclusions: To eradicate child labour by 2025, in line with SDG 8.7, ILO Conventions 138 and 182 should be enforced on national level by prohibiting child labour in all goods and services by national laws and complaint mechanisms and by making child rights due diligence mandatory.