Children's participation in youth care and child protection
Stephanie Rap
University of Leiden
Stephanie Rap is assistant professor at the Child Law Department, Leiden Law School. She holds master’s degrees in Pedagogical sciences and Criminology (cum laude). In 2013 she defended her Ph.D. dissertation titled The participation of juvenile defendants in the youth court: A comparative study of juvenile justice procedures in Europe at Utrecht University. Stephanie’s academic interest is in the field of effective participation of children in legal procedures. She approaches this theme from an interdisciplinary perspective – children’s rights and childhood studies – and by using multiple methods, combining legal desk-research with qualitative empirical methods. This is reflected in recent research projects; the annual children’s rights monitor (2014-2016) commissioned by the Dutch Children’s ombudsman, the evaluation of teen courts in Amsterdam (2015-2018), the evaluation of the Dutch Act on the Children’s ombudsman (ZonMw 2016-2017), the participation of children in youth care and protection (Pro Juventute 2016-2017) and the development of a training package concerning the participation of children in juvenile justice procedures (International Juvenile Justice Observatory 2015-2017). Stephanie is academic coordinator of the Master’s Programme (LL.M) Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights. She lectures on topics related to juvenile justice and child protection.
Denise Verkroost
University of Leiden
Denise Verkroost LL.M is a junior researcher and lecturer at the Child Law Department, Leiden Law School. She graduated cum laude from Leiden University, where she studied Child Law. During her study, she worked at the Child Law Department as a student assistant and she also did an internship at the National department of the Child Care and Protection Board where she analysed the possibilities of release or dismissal from parental authority in case of complex divorces. She wrote her master thesis on civil liability of youth care organisations and the state in case of unlawful (realisation of) forced out of home placements of minors and the right of the child to an effective remedy. Currently she is working on a study on the participation of children in youth care and protection (Pro Juventute 2016-2017), the evaluation of the pilot teen courts in Amsterdam (2015-2018), the evaluation of the Dutch Act on the Children’s ombudsman (ZonMw 2016-2017) and the evaluation of the Dutch Youth Care Act (ZonMw 2016-2017).
Objectives: Children have the right to be heard in all decisions that affect them (art. 12 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child). This includes participation in child protection systems. The aim of this study is to map the... [ view full abstract ]
- Stephanie Rap (University of Leiden)
- Denise Verkroost (University of Leiden)
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Voice of the Child
Oral 9 » Session 3- Voice of the Child (16:15 - Monday, 2nd October, Africa Room)
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