The Importance of Child Helplines in Child Protection in Europe
Sheila Donovan
Child Helpline International
My involvement with children's rights and issues began in 2007, when I joined Fundación ANAR of Spain in a pro bono capacity to lead its international relationships. ANAR runs the 116111 child helpline in Spain as well as the 116000 Missing Children hotline. I served on the Supervisory Board of Child Helpline International for four years (2010-2014), and currently serve on the Board of Directors of Missing Children Europe (since 2013). Most recently, in June 2015, I was appointed Executive Director of Child Helpline International. My background before embarking on the fulfilling journey of advocating for children's rights was in banking and international relations. I spent nearly 20 years in international banking in Madrid and New York, and four years at the Inter-American Agency of Cooperation for Development at the Organization of American States in Washington, DC, where I had also worked as a newly-minted university graduate at the start of my career.
In this study, we examined the position of child helplines within child protection systems in Europe, and determined their role in those systems. The purpose was to highlight child helplines as multi-disciplinary, cross... [ view full abstract ]
- Sheila Donovan (Child Helpline International)
Topic Area
Child Protection Systems and Strategies at local, national and international levels
Oral 35 » Session 1-Child Protection Systems (09:00 - Wednesday, 4th October, Europe 2 Room)
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