"Masculinity and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: Views from Male Children Survivors and Practitioners"
edgardo toro
The University of Edinburgh
I am a social worker, Master in Social Sciences (Chile) and Society Sciences (France) and fourth-year student in PhD Interdisciplinary Social Sciences in Health. The last eighteen years, I used to work as Lecturer and researcher at University and as a Researcher in an NGO related to Human Rights of Children. In the first one, I developed the following tasks: Teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate studies, Direction of an undergraduate thesis, academic coordinator of professional Practices and research on issues regarding with social violence. Also, I was in charge of the extension About the School of Social Work that includes the communication, social networks and diplomas and courses. In this last area, we used virtual support as a complement to the face-to-face courses. In the last, I was director of a centre that provide treatment to victims of Commercial sexual Exploitation of Children, researcher, compiler and writer of two books. I conducted some campaigns to prevent sexual abuse as well.
Boris Valdenegro
Universidad de Playa Ancha
I am Psychologist, Master in social Psychology, Dr (c) in Psychology, lecturer in Psychology at Universidad de Playa Ancha.I used to be practitioner in a NGO related to Human Rights of the Children in child sexual exploitation program.
The presentation aims to analyse the relationship between the idea of masculinity and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) in male children. In order to do so, we conducted a qualitative research. In the first... [ view full abstract ]
- edgardo toro (The University of Edinburgh)
- Boris Valdenegro (Universidad de Playa Ancha)
Topic Area
Emerging Issues
Oral 32 » Session1-Child Trafficking (09:00 - Wednesday, 4th October, King Willem Alexander Compact)
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