Conserving acoustic environments and wellbeing in protected areas

B. Derrick Taff

Pennsylvania State University

Derrick Taff, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management at Penn State. His research focuses upon communication as it pertains to visitor-use management, human behaviors, and social and ecological wellbeing in parks and protected areas. He is currently researching communication as it pertains to perceptions and behaviors regarding Leave No Trace in Rocky Mountain National Park, City of Boulder Colorado Open Space and Mountain Parks, Pennsylvania State Forests, and at Shaver’s Creek Outdoor School; examining social and ecological wellbeing through the Healthy Parks Healthy People Program in Gettysburg and Catoctin Mountain National Parks; exploring the role of nature-based recreation with military veteran populations; collaborating with recreation ecologists to examine use and monitor ecological heath in Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument; and working with other social scientists and ecologists examining coupled human-natural systems through a National Science Foundation-funded soundscapes project at Muir Woods National Monument and Grand Teton National Park. Finally, I serve as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership.


The acoustic environment is composed of natural and anthropogenic sounds, which influence ecosystem function and human health. Natural sounds are essential ecosystem services of parks and protected areas, and deserving of... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Peter Newman (Pennsylvania State University)
  2. B. Derrick Taff (Pennsylvania State University)

Topic Areas

Topics: Social and Environmental Dimensions of Tourism , Topics: Protected Area Tourism , Topics: Health and Wellness Tourism


OS-C1 » Parks: Soundscapes and Tranquility (14:30 - Monday, 3rd October, Tavolara Room, Santa Chiara Complex)

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