Approaches to improving learning for marginalised girls

Sally Rosscornes

Girls' Education Challenge

Sally leads the team of Education and Social Development Advisers at the GEC Fund Manager. She focuses particularly on Innovation Window projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. Previously she has worked for the Open University and a number of education-related INGOs.

Khadijah Fancy

Girls' Education Challenge, PWC

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The Girls Education Challenge (GEC) is a £350 million UKAid fund targeting one million marginalised girls, with interventions designed to improve girls’ learning outcomes and increase retention. Projects’ evaluations... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Sally Rosscornes (Girls' Education Challenge)
  2. John Patch (Girls' Education Challenge)
  3. David Johnson (Oxford University Department of Education)
  4. Khadijah Fancy (Girls' Education Challenge, PWC)

Topic Area

Whose learning


PS386 » Quick Fire: Girls Education - Marginalisation and Lessons from the Girls' Education Challenge (11:00 - Thursday, 17th September, Room 6)

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