Standardising education practice and policy in conflict-affected contexts: Opportunities and risks


Passage of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has affirmed a global commitment to leaving no one behind, and to start with those furthest behind. With more than 75 million children and young people (aged 3-18) currently... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Ritesh Shah - Discussant (University of Auckland)
  2. James Lawrie (Save the Children)
  3. Mai Abu Moghli (Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE))
  4. Peter Simms - Discussant (Children in Crisis)

Topic Area

Inclusive Education for Sustainable Development


PS-6D » Standardising education practice and policy in conflict-affected contexts: Opportunities and risks (13:30 - Wednesday, 6th September, Room 1)

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