Race Does Not Affect Ultrasound Cross-Sectional Area of Upper Extremity Nerves
Leland Finley
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine
Leland Finley is a third year Medical Student at Texas Tech Health Science Center. He graduated magna cum laude from BYU with a Bachelor’s of Science in Physiology and Developmental Biology. His research interests lie in exploring new applications of technology in medicine. He has been an active participant in his program’s ultrasound program, having taken the ultrasound elective, and been president of the local Ultrasound Interest Group. Other activities include leadership in his religious organization, rock climbing, athleticism, and making music.
Introduction: Age, sex, and body mass index (BMI) affect cross-sectional area (CSA) of peripheral nerves on ultrasonography. However, the effect of race on the CSAs is not well defined. Methods: 120 healthy subjects (male... [ view full abstract ]
- Nathan Anderson (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine)
- Leland Finley (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine)
- Bryce Betteridge (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center,)
- Weston Pratt (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center,)
- Jongyeol Kim (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Neurology)
Topic Areas
Point of Care ultrasound in health care delivery to underserved populations , Point of Care ultrasound in general clinical practice
A08 » Oral Presentation 3: Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Underserved and General Clinical Practice (13:00 - Friday, 23rd September, TTU SUB/ Caprock)