A Randomized Study of Training with Large Versus Small Vessel Size On Successful Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Venous Access

Josh Davis

Thomas Jefferson University

Mr. Davis is a fourth year medical student at Thomas Jefferson University. He has served as the Co-Chair for the Philly Ultrafest since 2014. He also serves on the Executive Committee of the National Ultrasound Student Interest Group of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, along with leadership roles in the Emergency Medicine Resident’s Association and the American Medical Association. He has published several articles on ultrasound and medical education. He has presented his work on Ultrafest and ultrasound training at several national medical conferences in both poster and oral format.


Introduction Obtaining intravenous (IV) access is a fundamental skill in which healthcare professionals must be trained. It is essential for laboratory analysis, medication administration, and fluid infusion. The use of... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Timothy Faust (Thomas Jefferson University)
  2. Azeem Tajani (Thomas Jefferson University)
  3. Amanda Bates (Thomas Jefferson University)
  4. Josh Davis (Thomas Jefferson University)
  5. Jenna Jarriel (Thomas Jefferson University)
  6. Arthur Au (Thomas Jefferson University)
  7. J. Matthew Fields (Thomas Jefferson University)

Topic Areas

Use of ultrasound in Undergraduate Medical Education , Use of ultrasound in Graduate Medical and Continuing Education , Point of Care ultrasound in general clinical practice


B05 » Oral Presentation 4: Ultrasound in Undergraduate Medical Education (15:00 - Friday, 23rd September, TTU SUB / Soapsuds)