Use of a simulator to teach focused cardiac ultrasound

Rob Morgan

Legacy Internal Medicine Residency

Rob Morgan, DO is an internal medicine resident at Legacy Health in Portland, OR. He went to medical school at Touro University California. He first sought out elective training in point of care ultrasound as a medical student and quickly developed a passion for it. Prior to medical school, he worked in technology for dot com startups in Silicon Valley. He is currently involved in efforts to expand POCUS training in his residency program as well as a research project validating the use of an echocardiographic simulator for FoCUS training.


We enrolled 22 individuals, internal medicine residents, hospitalists, emergency medicine physicians at a community teaching hospital, to participate in a study to assess improvement in focused cardiac ultrasound (FoCUS)... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Brad Sanville (Legacy Internal Medicine Residency)
  2. Rob Morgan (Legacy Internal Medicine Residency)
  3. Gordon Johnson (Legacy Internal Medicine Residency)
  4. Shashank Bathula (Western University)

Topic Areas

Use of ultrasound in Graduate Medical and Continuing Education , Point of Care ultrasound in general clinical practice , Technology


B06 » Oral Presentation 5: Ultrasound in Graduate and Continuing Medical Education and Technology (15:00 - Friday, 23rd September, TTU SUB / Caprock)