CognitiveBIM - BIM, ETICS & Smart contracting for Cognitive Buildings


University of Brescia

Research fellow at University of Brescia, Department Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics (DICATAM). PhD at Politecnico di Milano on Technology and Design for Environmental Quality at building and urban scale. She I works on sustainability, energy saving and renewable energy integration in the built environment. Moreover energy simulation is connected to interoperability issue such as Building Information Modeling to Building Energy Modeling. The research is focused on cognitive buildings and smart connection with a user-centered design approach (Behavioral design) able to promote a new vision of the building as a service provider to enhance and improve user experience.


The CognitiveBIM - BIM, ETICS & Smart contracting for Cognitive Buildings concept focuses upon a BIM-based development of a network of Cognitive Buildings located in different university campuses where technologies for the Big... [ view full abstract ]


  1. LAVINIA TAGLIABUE (Organisation: University of Brescia, Photo: Pic-LCT.jpg)
  2. Angelo Luigi Camillo Ciribini (Organisation: University of Brescia, Photo: ciribini_new.png)

Topic Area

User Experience


C2 » Smart Buildings (15:00 - Tuesday, 11th September, Helsinki Hall)

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